Project title:
CB007.2.13.091 “Dance and play together”/ Contract No. РД – 02 – 29 – 143/03.07.2019
Priority Axis:
Specific Objective:
1.3. People-To-People-Networking
Type of Project:
Soft, co-funded by EU through the Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria–Serbia Programme 2014 – 2020, CCI № 2014TC16I5CB007-2.
Period of implementation:
03.07.2019 – 03.07.2020 (12 months)
Total amount of the Subsidy Contract:
EUR 135 274, 61
Short description of the project:
The project will have а direct positive effect on the partner organizations and the target groups; on the one hand a stronger link will be established between the agents from both sides of the border, actively involved in the activities which will result in more sustainable, predictable and purposeful dynamics of interrelations. The work together will contribute to deeper mutual understanding, improved culture of dialogue, exchange of good practices and furthermore strengthen tangibly their capacity to deal with challenges of common interest. Beyond the direct effect on the partners and participants, the project aims at addressing issues which are of universal character for the region and the both countries such as development of a sustainable exploitation of cultural and natural heritage with the aim of strengthening its capacity to attract more tourists. Therefore, the included activities are thought in a way to hold the potential of overcoming the limitations of the concrete in the two municipalities and be of assistance to the positive alteration of the whole cross—border region; the idea is a sustainable change in the perceptions and attitudes of the citizens to be stimulated thus building a culturally conscious society. The project will provide for better connected region in the sphere of tourism and culture through implementation of joint activities. It is expected positive financial impact on the citizens of the targeted cross border area due to activities aiming at attracting more tourists in the region. The people involved directly (as a volunteers, participants, lecturers, winners) or indirectly (as citizens reached by the different activities) will engage themselves in initiatives improving their cultural knowledge, life ethics and social behavior which can be an important step towards construction of more balanced and inclined to sustainable growth society.
The general aim of the project consists In establishment of Network “Young Artists for sustainable development” through investments in art, studies, strategic measures and organization of networking events.
Target groups:
Citizens of Cross border regions Nisava and Montana
Direct beneficiaries:
Municipal Drama Theatre “Dragomir Asenov”; staff Administration of city municipality of Mediana, Nis
Final beneficiaries:
Population of Municipality of Nis; Population of Municipality of Montana